Writing In IsolationFall into a writing tranceEarth Date 07/21/2010 |
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Today I’m writing this blog in a Mac tool called OmmWriter. Much in the spirit of WriteRoom which I bought with an MUPromo Bundle, OmmWriter strives to remove distractions from the screen so that you can focus on crafting text and words into beautiful prose. I have no aspiration of having this blog post rank in the realm of “beautiful” but the crisp arctic background image and lulling ambient music is an interesting new atmospheric enhancement to the otherwise stark and somewhat unwelcoming typing environment I typically use in TextMate.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s no way in the world I forsee all of my blogging in OmmWriter, that would be stupid(just kidding). Firstly OmmWriter has no syntax highlighting nor does it understand the Markdown language I use in my blogging engine of choice.
As an incidental to this post I must mention that my JBud J2 earbuds sound really bogus with the OmmWriter ambient sounds. This is a testimony of the sorry quality in the JBud earbuds. I loved them at first with their crisp tones and resonant bass frequencies, but my enjoyment was only to last a few months before the JBuds deteriorated into milk toast bass thudding and midrange dominance that effectively rips all of the pleasure out of sampling my iTunes Library. The suggested retail price of 80 dollars for the pair of JBuds is extremely skewed from their cheap quality, not even able to get an honorable mention beside my 99 dollar Bose Buds which I love (and am unable to use only because the iPod Touch doesn’t have enough power to drive them very well).
But to tell you the truth, I didn’t start writing this blog to dwell on OmmWriter nor my lousey JBuds.
To be truthful I really don’t remember what I sat down to write about. I’ve spent too much time pasting in links to waste it though.
So there you have it.